This notebook contains my notes and beliefs about several commonly-used supervised learning algorithms. My dream is that it will be useful as a quick reference for people who are studying for machine learning interviews/quizzes/etc..
After some setup code, the methods discussed are:
To better understand each classifier we train on various versions of the "two moons" dataset and plot empirical decision boundaries. Each plot shows the training data on top of a few thousand randomly chosen points which have been colored by the output of the learned model. Superstition #1: The plots suggest that linear classifiers are often out performed on high quality training sets but still produce sane results on noisy small datasets. Note: not all the plots have the same xy dimensions.
The code is available here:
Other resources:
import sklearn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import sklearn.datasets
%pylab inline
#sklearn two moons generator makes lots of these...
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
Build some datasets that I'll demo the models on
Xs = []
ys = []
#low noise, plenty of samples, should be easy
X0, y0 = sklearn.datasets.make_moons(n_samples=1000, noise=.05)
#more noise, plenty of samples
X1, y1 = sklearn.datasets.make_moons(n_samples=1000, noise=.3)
#less noise, few samples
X2, y2 = sklearn.datasets.make_moons(n_samples=200, noise=.05)
#more noise, less samples, should be hard
X3, y3 = sklearn.datasets.make_moons(n_samples=200, noise=.3)
def plotter(model, X, Y, ax, npts=10000):
Simple way to get a visualization of the decision boundary
by applying the model to randomly-chosen points
could alternately use sklearn's "decision_function"
at some point it made sense to bring pandas into this
xs = []
ys = []
cs = []
for _ in range(npts):
x0spr = max(X[:,0])-min(X[:,0])
x1spr = max(X[:,1])-min(X[:,1])
x = np.random.rand()*x0spr + min(X[:,0])
y = np.random.rand()*x1spr + min(X[:,1])
ax.scatter(xs,ys,c=cs, alpha=.35)
c=list(map(lambda x:'r' if x else 'lime',Y)),
ax.set_xlim([min(X[:,0]), max(X[:,0])])
ax.set_ylim([min(X[:,1]), max(X[:,1])])
Logistic regression is the canoncial example of a "discriminative" classifier (i.e. one that learns the mapping $f:X \rightarrow Y$ directly from the signal as opposed from learning a model of how the data was generated). Here, $Y$ is categorical and $X$ may be either continuous or categorical. A good short introduction (which also touches on generalized linear models) is [10].
Logistic regression assumes that $f$ is a sigmoid function of an inner product with the features, eg.
$$ P(Y=1 | X; \theta) = \sigma(\theta ^T X) = \frac{1}{1+exp(-\theta ^T X)} $$Training a logistic regression classifier amounts to learning the parameter vector, $\theta$. The most simple approach is via maximum liklihood estimation, i.e.:
\begin{eqnarray} \theta^{MLE} &=& argmax_\theta \; \mathcal{L}(\theta)\\ &=& argmax_\theta \; P(Y | X; \theta)\\ \end{eqnarray}Now, in the special case where $Y$ can be only $0$ or $1$, the conditional density can be concisely written as
$$ P(Y | X; \theta) = \sigma(\theta ^T X)^Y (1-\sigma(\theta ^T X))^{1-Y} $$Assume the $M$ training examples were generated independently, we can thus write the likelihood as:
\begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{L}(\theta) = \prod_i^M P(Y_i | X_i; \theta) \end{eqnarray}It's easier to work with the log of the product, this leads to a convex unconstrained optimization:
$$ argmax_\theta = \sum_{i=1}^M \log(P(Y_i | X_i; \theta)) $$Remark: Optimization problems tend to be stated as mins, so it's common to see this version to:
$$ argmin_\theta = \sum_{i=1}^M -\log(P(Y_i | X_i; \theta)) $$The standard way solve this maximization is via stochastic gradient ascent. Usual gradient ascent involve an update rule over all of $\theta$, eg. $\theta^{next} = \theta + \alpha \nabla \mathcal{L}(\theta)$. If we have lots of training data computing the full gradient is slow. Stochastic gradient ascent means that we just compute the gradient in one (randomly-selected) direction before updating. The algorithm looks like this instead:
$$ \begin{align} 1. & \mbox{Select a random ordering of the coordinates} \\ 2. & \mbox{while not converged:}\\ & \quad \mbox{for }i \in \{1, \ldots, M\}: \\ & \qquad \theta^{next} = \theta + \alpha \nabla_i \mathcal{L}(\theta) \end{align} $$Unlike naive Bayes, logistic regression does not assume conditional independece (or any relation) between the features. As a result, when several extraneous features are provided, the MLE optimization can be solved by optimizing the irrelevant features (ie overfitting). The standard approach to reduce overfitting is to replace the MLE estimate with a MAP estime where a Laplacian prior, $P(\theta) = (\beta/2)^N exp(-\beta/|\theta|_1)$, has been assumed (the parameter $\beta$ is user-specified) [5]. The resulting minimization for such a MAP estimate is:
$$ argmin_\theta = \beta |\theta|_1 + \sum_{i=1}^M -\log(P(Y_i | X_i; \theta) $$Note the $L_1$ regularization. It favors a sparser $\theta$ (i.e. a simpler model (which is less prone to overfitting)) at the expense of a more difficult optimization problem.
import sklearn.linear_model
classifier = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(11,13))
for X,y in zip(Xs,ys):,y)
i += 1
Decision trees are opposite logistic regression in a few ways. Decision trees are nonlinear, nonparametric, and generate models which are simple to interpret (basically a flowchart). They perform well when given huge amounts of clean data and really shine when the data is not linearly-seperable. Decision trees are often used as an example of a method which is susceptible to overfitting (remark: neural networks are the other example).
The resulting structure is a kd-tree. Applying the classifier to new points amounts to a standard nearest neighbor query.
Tall trees tend to indicate overfitting, pruning can help. Another way to reduce overfitting is to use a random forest. Random forest means training multiple decision trees and then building a classifier which applies all the trees to a datapoint and takes the mode of the predictions for the result. Two steps in random forest building [2]:
import sklearn.tree
classifier = sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(11,13))
for X,y in zip(Xs,ys):,y)
i += 1
Support vector machines are non-probabilistic discriminative linear classifiers. They work by finding the hyperplane that has the largest distance to the nearest training-data point of any class between two sets of points. With the commonly-used "kernel trick" (ie mapping all the points to a higher dimensional space (eg a sphere), finding the maximally-separating hyperplane in the high dimension, and then mapping back) they are able to identify nonlinear decision boundaries.
One-class support vector machines are useful to finds outliers or change point detection [3].
The (grossly oversimplified) idea follows. There exists a theory bound that says something along the lines of:
where "Complexity of set of Models" means something about VC dimension [6]. Intuitively, a simple model drags down 2nd term but implies that training error is big, a complex model increases the 2nd term but reduces training error (ie "bounds on overfitting").
So, we want a model that minimizes the sum of the "training error" and the "complexity". Idea: learn a decision function, $f$, to solve
$$ min_f \sum_i label(f(x_i), y_i) + Complexity $$Use a separating hyperplane to figure $f$, ie $f(x_i) = \theta^T x_i + b$ (the "training error" term). Use a norm and a user-defined parameter to regularize, ie $C||\theta||_{1 or 2}$ (the "complexity" term). Note: some authors have found that an $L_1$ term makes the method less stable [1].
If linear is not enough, do the kernel trick: Represent all the points in a higher dimensional space (eg expaning to a basis of radial basis functions) and run the optimization in the high dimensional space.
import sklearn.svm
classifier = sklearn.svm.SVC()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(11,13))
for X,y in zip(Xs,ys):,y)
i += 1
"Nearest neighbor" is a dead simple non-parametric classifier which assigns to an unseen point, $x$, the value of the training point that it is closest to. "$K$ nearest neighbors" generalizes this idea to $K$ points, i.e. find the $K$ nearest training points to $x$ and use their majority vote to decide on a label for $x$. Larger $K$ leads to smoother decision boundaries.
import sklearn.neighbors
classifier = sklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(11,13))
for X,y in zip(Xs,ys):,y)
i += 1
Naive Bayes is the canonical example of a "generative" classifier, ie one that first learns a model for randomly generating the training data and then uses the learned probabilitity distributions to classify new points. There are several highly-cited comparisions between naive Bayes and logistic regression.
Deriving naive Bayes isn't completely insane. Just use Bayes rule to start, lump all the normalizations into a constant, and then invoke conditional independence. For example, to learn the probability of label $Y$ on feature $X=(X_0,...,X_N)$ you can do:
\begin{eqnarray} P(Y=y_k|X) &=& \frac{P(Y=y_k)P(X|Y=y_k)}{P(X)}\\ &=& \frac{P(Y=y_k)P(X|Y=y_k)}{\sum_y P(X|Y=y)}\\ &=& \frac{P(Y=y_k)P(X_1 \ldots X_n|Y=y_k)}{\sum_y P(X_1 \ldots X_n|Y=y)}\\ &=& \frac{P(Y=y_k) \prod_iP(X_i|Y=y_k)}{\sum_y \prod_iP(X_i|Y=y)} \end{eqnarray}To make that 3rd equals sign work we needed to assume "conditional independence". From Wikipedia:
R and B are conditionally independent given Y if and only if, given knowledge that Y occurs, knowledge of whether R occurs provides no information on the likelihood of B occurring, and knowledge of whether B occurs provides no information on the likelihood of R occurring.
Think of it like this: suppose you are building a classifier to identify if a particular tweet is about professional wrestling or a superhero movie. Given that a tweet is about wrestling, the knowledge that it contains the term "Hulk" provides no information on how likely it is to contain the term "Hollywood".
Computing the probabilities $P(X_i|Y=y)$ is where the "parametric" part of this comes into play. Typically one uses a Gaussian if the data is continuous and a Multinomial if the data is discrete (eg text). Here, the choice of priors plays the same role that choice of regularization plays in logistic regression.
import sklearn.naive_bayes
classifier = sklearn.naive_bayes.GaussianNB()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(11,13))
for X,y in zip(Xs,ys):,y)
i += 1
#without this the notebook is ~7MB
import os
import ipynbcompress
filename = 'supervised_learning.ipynb'
print('before compress: {}'.format(os.stat(filename).st_size))
ipynbcompress.compress(filename, img_width=600, img_format='png')
print('after compress: {}'.format(os.stat(filename).st_size))